Franciscana on the Web

This Page is an attempt at a complete listing of URLs relating in any manner to Franciscan Studies and which are currently active. As part of The Franciscan Archive, this page has been in existence since February 1997 A.D., and is updated as regularly as possible. Due to the large number of links, this page is now maintained in subsections, which can be accessed directly through the frame designed to facilitate this. Through this frame you can also access all the other resources at The Franciscan Archive. If your browser cannot view frames, or if you prefer not to use frames, there is a NOFRAME page now available for easy access.

If you would like to submit other documents to be included in this list, or have questions or comments about the texts, please contact Br. Alexis Bugnolo by email. For the copyright status of any documents available here, where applicable, please see the footnotes of each document.

A Large Number of these documents can be found in Spanish at the Biblioteca de los Escritos Y Biografias Francescanas; hereafter (BEBF) in Uruguay. A number of Documents in Latin are also found among the collection of the Bibliotheca Augustana; hereafter (BA) in Augsburg, Germany. Documents found at New Advent in the Catholic Encyclopedia are indicated thus (CE); those attributed to Gallica are taken from the Bibliothèque numérique de la Bibliothèque nationale de France and are in PDF format (java script enabled browser required).

One of the Finest Sites on the Internet, with extensive resources, is the Patriarchal Basilica of St. Francis at Assisi, Italy, hereafter (PB)

A large number of documents in both Latin and Spanish can be found at the WWW site of the OFM province of Valencia, Spain, hereafter (OFMVal); otherwise Urls bear no special indication.

Another large collection of documents in both Portuguese and Latin can be found at the OFM Cap. Province of Sao Paolo, Brazil, hereafter (OFMCap-Br)

There is also a small collection in French of some Franciscan Sources at Fond Franciscain sur L'internet, c/o OFM Cap., France, hereafter (OFMCap-Fr)

You may find what you are looking for also in the Major Franciscan Periodicals, a listing, c/o the Franciscan Institute, USA